Injured? Get Cash Now!
June 6, 2016, on Articles | Share
If you have undergone surgery after an accident and believe you have been the victim of medical malpractice, you probably have a number of questions and concerns about your legal rights and options. The following questions and answers are provided to help you as you begin to research your issue further. It is not meant to be legal advice, nor should it be used to take the place of the legal guidance you should receive directly from your attorney.
Simply stated, medical malpractice (or medical negligence) is a negligent act that results in injuries and is performed by a healthcare provider. Patients should be aware that in Florida and elsewhere throughout the country, healthcare providers are required to meet a standard of care that is acceptable and recognized by other healthcare providers in the same field who are working under similar circumstances.
You are encouraged to speak with your attorney about the amount of time you have to file your case. However, currently, the time limit for filing a medical malpractice lawsuit in Florida is two years from the time a harmed patient either knows or should have known that the injury has occurred and there’s a reasonable chance that the injury happened due to medical malpractice.
Generally, patients have a legal right to get copies of their own medical records (with limited exceptions), as well as a right to review the original versions of those records. If the documents are requested in order for an attorney to review them, you may be charged a fee, which is governed by law and dependent on the type of records sought.
Malpractice cases are typically filed where the malpractice took place or, in certain instances, where the defendant resides. In Florida, the injured patient has the option of filing the case in the county where the malpractice took place or where one or more of the defendants live.
The amount of time it takes for a medical malpractice case to be resolved will vary; however, it is not unusual for such cases to take several years. You should consult your attorney to find out the most accurate timeframe for medical malpractice cases in your particular area.
You underwent surgery in an effort to repair your injuries you suffered. Prior to the surgery, the surgeon likely advised you of what would occur, as well as the expected outcome of the surgery. Either during or after the surgery, however, something goes wrong. You are not healing as planned and you’re experiencing various complications.
You contact a lawyer who investigates your situation and learns that you have likely been the victim of medical malpractice. A lawsuit has been filed and your attorney has retained an expert confirming that malpractice has occurred; however, the entire process is taking far longer than you anticipated and your bills are falling behind. Does this scenario sound familiar?
This is where Injury Funds Now (IFN) can step in and help. It may be possible for you to obtain Florida legal funding that can be used to help you pay any outstanding medical bills, along with your monthly household obligations. Apply today. The application process is quick and easy and approved applicants generally receive payment within 24 hours of approval.
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- Jane D., plaintiff
"In my time of need Injury Funds Now helped me when no one else would. They provided me with understanding and most of all treated me like a human being."
- Jacqueline D., plaintiff
"Quick, professional & easy to work with"
- Attorney Michael A. Haggard, Esq